About Us
North Atlantic Research and Survey was founded to address the global freshwater crisis by delivering the next generation of source, infrastructure and tools to responsibly manage our planet’s most precious resource.
Supplying natural sources through innovation with every litre supporting vital environmental research projects.
Working with the environment, not against it.
Protecting the world’s most precious asset.
Saving existing resources and enabling responsible access to the planet’s pristine sources. Providing sustainable, cost-effective freshwater solutions for States and commercial entities.
The Future of Freshwater use
Creating partnerships to drive innovation and global infrastructure for the future of freshwater use. Delivering superior sources and providing complete supply chain solutions.
Ensuring Global Water Security
Ensuring guaranteed supplies of premium water through next generation shipping, storage, marine and land distribution systems. Averting droughts and alleviating security risks for states, industry and society.
Executive Deputy Chair
Chief Executive Officer
Commercial Director GCC and Asia